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Reporting Child Abuse

Keeping children safe is everybody's business


If you think a child in Kirklees is being abused or mistreated or you have concerns about a child's well-being you should call and speak to someone at one of the following numbers:



  • Kirklees Emergency Duty Service 01484 414933 (outside office hours)



All calls concerning worries about children are treated seriously. You will be asked where the child lives and who looks after the child. Enquires will be made immediately.  If it is found that a child is being abused or is at risk of significant harm professionals will work together with the family to ensure that the child can be protected.


If you are in any doubt about reporting your concerns don't think 'What if I'm wrong?', think 'What if I'm right?'.

The $#*! Kids Say is a short film (click on the link) by the NSPCC, asking you to trust your instincts when you think things aren't quite as they should be.


If you're worried about a child, need advice, or want to talk, DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOU'RE CERTAIN. Call Kirklees Referral and Response on 01484 456 848 or the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.





Child Sexual Exploitation is illegal activity by people who have power over young people and use it to sexually abuse them.This can involve a broad range of exploitative activity seemingly 'consensual' relationships and informal exchanges of sex for attention, accommodation, gifts or cigarettes through to very serious organised crimes.




The term ‘sexual exploitation’ is often used to refer to the sexual abuse of children during adolescence. This is the time when they are rapidly changing and developing, both sexually and emotionally. They may be dreaming of having boyfriends or girlfriends and, while they want to act like adults, they lack the knowledge and experience to recognise when an abusive adult or young person is taking advantage of them. All this makes young people particularly vulnerable to sexual exploitation.




  • Skipping school, coming home late or staying out overnight with no explanation

  • Change in appearance, or overt sexualised dress

  • Disengaging from family, friends and other support networks

  • Becoming secretive

  • Changing peer groups

  • Unexplained money or gifts, including mobile phones

  • Regularly going missing

  • Offending behaviour

  • Drug or alcohol misuse

  • Being seen in different cars, perhaps with different older people

  • Displaying inappropriate sexualised behaviour

  • Having a much older boyfriend / girlfriend

  • An increase in physical ailments and/or an increase in contact with healthcare

  • Suffering from sexually transmitted diseases

  • Pregnancy and/or terminations

  • Self-harmin


There may be many reasons for changes in a young person’s behaviour, but if we notice a combination of worrying signs it may be time to seek help or advice.


If a child or young person is in immediate danger, call 999 or contact your local police on 101 and ask to speak to someone about your concerns for your child.


Alternatively call Children’s Social care Referral and Response Team on 01484456848.


You can also discuss your concerns with family, friends, the school or others in your child’s life.



Helping Children Stay Safe Online

Internet and mobile phones


The internet offers children access to information, communication with their friends and opportunities for exploring the wider world. Children get a lot of benefit from being online.  However they should have parental supervision and good advice to make sure their experiences are happy and safe.


Parents and carers need to be aware of problems that can arise, such as bullying and grooming, and know what to do.  Here are some useful links that will provide appropriate information to help you in guiding your children.


BBC Webwise 
A beginners guide to using the internet with interactive tutorials about all aspects of computer and internet use, getting started on social networks, privacy and safety online. 


Kidsmart - for parents 
Kidsmart is an award winning practical internet safety programme website for schools, young people, parents, and agencies, produced by the children's internet charity Childnet International. This link will take you to practical advice and support on how to help your children use the internet and new technology in safe and responsible ways.


ThinkUKnow - parents section
Advice from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre.  Understanding the internet and what the risks are of grooming, mobiles, gaming, social networking and chat.


Guidance on tackling on-line bullying 
The award-winning charity Bullying Online was founded in 1999 by journalist Liz Carnell from Harrogate and her son John, as a direct result of their experience of dealing with school bullying.


A booklet for parents on all types of chat from instant messaging and chat rooms to mobile phones.


ParentPort is run by the UK's media regulators.  Who set and enforce standards across the media to protect children from inappropriate material. At ParentPort you can find out the standards expected from the media, make a complaint and share your views.


A guide for parents/carers on parental control software


Child Safety Online

A practical and simple guide for parents and carers whose children are using social media. Understand the risks, the ways in which social media could affect your child, practical tips and who to make a report to.


What happens when texting goes wrong - A short guide to what you should do when texting goes wrong including advice, the law and helplines.


NSPCC - Keeping Children Safe Online

NSPCC have teamed up with O2 to help you keep children safe when they're using the internet, social networks, games and more.


NSPCC - Parental Controls

Innocent searches online can lead to not so innocent results. But parental controls can help keep your child safe.


Cell Phones for Kids - A Guide for Parents

Mobile technology can be a great safety tool - children can use them to call for a ride, let parents know they've arrived safely at their destination, or to call for help in case of an emergency. With smartphones, however, comes a lot of potential for misuse. They can even make our kids vulnerable in certain situations.

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